Carpet Cleaning Stain Guide

Step by step advanced treatment recommendations see bottom for spotting solutions.

Stain and Spot Removal

  • Required Stain Removal Solutions in Edmonton (What you need.)
  • Stain and Spot Procedure (How to do it.)
  • Stain Guide (Specific formula to remove various stains.)

1 – Required Stain Removal Solutions

Vinegar SolutionMix one-third cup of white household with two thirds cup
of water.
Dry Clean Solution/
Non-oily Nail Polish
Remover (acetone)
Use undiluted as directed.
Detergent SolutionMix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches)
with a cup of lukewarm water.
Ammonia SolutionMix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half cup
of water.
Enzyme SolutionOne tablespoon of any laundry detergent that contains enzymes.
Do no use detergent with bleach.
Unscented HairsprayGreat on ink and small tar spots.

Stain and Spot Procedure

To prevent permanent stains follow these basic rules for spills and spot removal.

  1. Immediately blot up spills using a clean white absorbent material (tissues, napkins, towels, etc)
  2. Pre-test spot removal formulas in an inconspicuous area of the fabric. Put a few drops of formula on each colour in the textile and using your white-absorbent material, hold it against each colour, count to ten, then examine the results. If the dye has bled into the absorbent material, or if there has been a change in the colored area, call Mighty clean carpet care. for advice.
  3. Do not over wet. Work with small amounts of formulas and blot frequently. Problems result from using large amounts. Blot gently between steps Never rub or brush. Excessive agitation may cause unsightly distortion, which may be permanent.
  4. Work from the outer edge toward the centre of the stain.
  5. Have patience – some stains respond slowly.
  6. Remember haphazard attempts at spot may result in individual stains and/or permanent damage to fabrics. If there are doubts about procedures, seek the advice of Mighty clean carpet care. We know that many stains will be permanent if the wrong remedies are used, sometimes resulting in the professional being unable to undo the damage. Untreated spills and spots will, with time darken or become hidden by soil. After the fabric is cleaned and the soil is removed, however, the forgotten stain will reappear to the owner’s displeasure.

    Use each of the stain removal solutions in Edmonton in the order indicated until the stain is removed. Apply small amounts of the cleaning solution with a clean, white, absorbent towel. Blot frequently and continue to apply and blot until the staining material is no longer transferred to the absorbent material. The final step is blot any remaining area with absorbent towel; weight it down and allow at least six hours to dry.

    Some stains require special professional care. If the stain is not removed by a household method consult Mighty clean carpet care.

    Note: NEVER USE BLEACH. Bleach can remove lots of stains, unfortunately it will also remove the color from your carpet. NEVER mix Ammonia and Bleach during the cleaning operation.

Stain Guide


  1. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.
  2. Mix one-third cup of white household vinegar with two-thirds cup of water.


  1. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.
  2. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half cup water.
  3. Mix a solution of 1 teaspoon powdered enzyme laundry with 1 cup of warm water. Allow the solution to remain on the stain for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Rinse with cool water and blot dry.


  1. Apply a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent or alcohol (available at grocery, drug and hardware (Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid or other flammables)
  2. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.
  3. Mix one-third cup of white household vinegar with two-thirds cup of water.

Candle Wax

  1. Prior to spotting trim excess wax with sharp scissors. Avoid cutting fibres by trimming the wax only. This allows the spotting procedures to work on the wax below the surface.
  2. Apply a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent or alcohol (available at grocery, drug and hardware (Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid or other flammables)
  3. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.



An alternative procedure includes a clothing iron (at low temperature) and paper grocery bag. Place bag on top of stain and iron the bag until a wet spot appears. Shift bag to dry area and repeat until all wax has been transferred from the carpet to the bag. Please consult Mighty clean carpet care for more details.


  1. Apply a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent or alcohol (available at grocery, drug and hardware (Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid or other flammables)
  2. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.


  1. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.
  2. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half cup water.
  3. Mix one-third cup of white household vinegar with two-thirds cup of water.
  4. Mix a solution of 1 teaspoon powdered enzyme laundry with 1 cup of warm water. Allow the solution to remain on the stain for 3-5 minutes.
  5. Rinse and blot.


  1. Mix a solution of 1 teaspoon powdered enzyme laundry with 1 cup of warm water. Allow the solution to remain on the stain for 3-5 minutes.
  2. Mix one-third cup of white household vinegar with two-thirds cup of water.


  1. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.
  2. Mix one-third cup of white household vinegar with two-thirds cup of water.
  3. Mix a solution of 1 teaspoon powdered enzyme laundry with 1 cup of warm water. Allow the solution to remain on the stain for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Apply a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent or alcohol (available at grocery, drug and hardware (Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid or other flammables)
  5. Blot dry.


  1. Apply a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent or alcohol (available at grocery, drug and hardware (Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid or other flammables)
  2. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.
  3. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half cup water.


  1. Apply a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent or alcohol (available at grocery, drug and hardware (Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid or other flammables)
  2. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.
  3. Rinse and blot.


  1. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.
  2. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half cup water.
  3. Mix a solution of 1 teaspoon powdered enzyme laundry with 1 cup of warm water. Allow the solution to remain on the stain for 3-5 minutes.

Food Colouring

  1. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.
  2. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half cup water.

Fruit and Juices

  1. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.
  2. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half cup water.
  3. Mix one-third cup of white household vinegar with two-thirds cup of water.
  4. Mix a solution of 1 teaspoon powdered enzyme laundry with 1 cup of warm water. Allow the solution to remain on the stain for 3-5 minutes.

Furniture/Shoe Polish

  1. Apply a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent or alcohol (available at grocery, drug and hardware (Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid or other flammables)
  2. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.
  3. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half cup water.
  4. Rinse and blot.

Furniture Stain

  1. Apply a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent or alcohol (available at grocery, drug and hardware (Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid or other flammables)
  2. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.

Glue School

  1. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.

Glue Carpenter’s

  1. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.
  2. Apply a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent or alcohol (available at grocery, drug and hardware (Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid or other flammables)

Glue, Contact Cement

  1. Apply a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent or alcohol (available at grocery, drug and hardware (Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid or other flammables)
  2. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.


  1. Apply a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent or alcohol (available at grocery, drug and hardware (Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid or other flammables) 2. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water. 3. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half cup water. 4. Mix one-third cup of white household vinegar with two-thirds cup of water.

Ice Cream

  1. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.
  2. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half cup water.
  3. Mix one-third cup of white household vinegar with two-thirds cup of water.
  4. Mix a solution of 1 teaspoon powdered enzyme laundry with 1 cup of warm water. Allow the solution to remain on the stain for 3-5 minutes.
  5. Apply a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent or alcohol (available at grocery, drug and hardware (Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid or other flammables)

Ink (use alcohol) (colourless hairspray also works)

  1. Apply a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent or alcohol (available at grocery, drug and hardware (Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid or other flammables)
  2. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.
  3. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half cup water.


  1. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.
  2. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half cup water.
  3. Mix a solution of 1 teaspoon powdered enzyme laundry with 1 cup of warm water. Allow the solution to remain on the stain for 3-5 minutes.


  1. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.
  2. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half cup water.
  3. Mix one-third cup of white household vinegar with two-thirds cup of water.
  4. Mix a solution of 1 teaspoon powdered enzyme laundry with 1 cup of warm water. Allow the solution to remain on the stain for 3-5 minutes.
  5. Apply a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent or alcohol (available at grocery, drug and hardware (Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid or other flammables)
  6. Blot dry.

Mucilage (animal fat or plant sap)

  1. Mix a solution of 1 teaspoon powdered enzyme laundry with 1 cup of warm water. Allow the solution to remain on the stain for 3-5 minutes.
  2. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half cup water.


  1. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.
  2. Mix one-third cup of white household vinegar with two-thirds cup of water.
  3. Mix a solution of 1 teaspoon powdered enzyme laundry with 1 cup of warm water. Allow the solution to remain on the stain for 3-5 minutes.

Nail Polish

  1. Apply a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent or alcohol (available at grocery, drug and hardware (Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid or other flammables)
  2. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.
  3. Mix one-third cup of white household vinegar with two-thirds cup of water.
  4. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.
  5. Rinse and blot dry.


  1. Apply a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent or alcohol (available at grocery, drug and hardware (Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid or other flammables)
  2. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.
  3. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half cup water.
  4. Mix one-third cup of white household vinegar with two-thirds cup of water.


  1. Apply a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent or alcohol (available at grocery, drug and hardware (Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid or other flammables)
  2. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.
  3. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half cup water.
  4. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.

Paint Oil

  1. Apply a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent or alcohol (available at grocery, drug and hardware (Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid or other flammables)
  2. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.
  3. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half cup water.
  4. Rinse and blot dry.

Paint, Water

  1. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.
  2. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half cup water.
  3. Apply a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent or alcohol (available at grocery, drug and hardware (Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid or other flammables)


  1. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.
  2. Mix one-third cup of white household vinegar with two-thirds cup of water.

Rubber Cement

  1. Apply a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent or alcohol (available at grocery, drug and hardware (Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid or other flammables)
  2. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.


  1. Apply lemon juice (natural or concentrated) directly to stain and blot with absorbent towel. White household vinegar can be substituted for lemon juice. Call Mighty clean carpet care if stain persists.

Shoe Polish

  1. Apply a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent or alcohol (available at grocery, drug and hardware (Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid or other flammables)
  2. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.
  3. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half cup water.
  4. Rinse and blot.

Soft Drinks

  1. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.
  2. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half cup water.
  3. Mix one-third cup of white household vinegar with two-thirds cup of water.
  4. Rinse and blot dry.


  1. Apply a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent or alcohol (available at grocery, drug and hardware (Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid or other flammables)
  2. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.
  3. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half cup water.


  1. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.
  2. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half cup water.
  3. Mix one-third cup of white household vinegar with two-thirds cup of water.
  4. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.

Tar, Asphalt

  1. Apply a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent or alcohol (available at grocery, drug and hardware (Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid or other flammables)
  2. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.
  3. Rinse and blot.


  1. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.
  2. Mix one-third cup of white household vinegar with two-thirds cup of water.
  3. Mix a solution of 1 teaspoon powdered enzyme laundry with 1 cup of warm water. Allow the solution to remain on the stain for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Apply a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent or alcohol (available at grocery, drug and hardware (Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid or other flammables)
  5. Blot and dry.

Unknown Stains

  1. Apply a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent or alcohol (available at grocery, drug and hardware (Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid or other flammables)
  2. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.
  3. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half cup water.
  4. Mix one-third cup of white household vinegar with two-thirds cup of water.
  5. Mix a solution of 1 teaspoon powdered enzyme laundry with 1 cup of warm water. Allow the solution to remain on the stain for 3-5 minutes.


  1. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.
  2. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half cup water.
  3. Mix one-third cup of white household vinegar with two-thirds cup of water.
  4. Rinse and blot dry.


  1. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.
  2. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half cup water.
  3. Mix one-third cup of white household vinegar with two-thirds cup of water.
  4. Mix a solution of 1 teaspoon powdered enzyme laundry with 1 cup of warm water. Allow the solution to remain on the stain for 3-5 minutes.
  5. Rinse and blot dry.

Water Stains

  1. Apply a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent or alcohol (available at grocery, drug and hardware (Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid or other flammables)
  2. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.
  3. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half cup water.
  4. Mix one-third cup of white household vinegar with two-thirds cup of water.


  1. Mix one teaspoon of white neutral detergent (a mild liquid dishwashing detergent containing no strong alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of lukewarm water.
  2. Mix one-third cup of white household vinegar with two-thirds cup of water.
  3. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half cup water.
  4. Rinse and blot dry.

Stain Removal in Edmonton

If you have stubborn that just won’t budge with carpet cleaning supplies you bought from places such as Home Depot, Canadian Tire or Walmart than give us a call.  With the professional grade chemicals, our high powered equipment and our experience in cleaning carpet, we can nuke the toughest of stains and bring back the new in your carpet.